An International Lookbook for Globally Minded Girls

Do you have a fashionista in your life? She will love this lookbook diary!


Whether you are moving around the world with your kids or raising your kids to be globally minded, the book I am reviewing today is a fun, educational gift for the fashionistas in your life.

The International Fashionista's Lookbook Diary, written by Dana Lardner with fashion illustrations by Deanna Kei, is an 80+ page diary that mixes sketching, journaling, coloring and shopping in other countries.

Eventually we will have a family that travels the world with us, and I want to them to embrace diversity and travel. This Lookbook is a great way for little girls to do both of those things. I have friends with little fashion divas, so I cannot wait to share the book with them, too!

Another reason I personally enjoy this Lookbook is that I can sketch out some clothing designs I have had in my head. I am a sewing enthusiast, and this week I plan to break out my sewing machine for the first time. (My "Project Runway" marathons lately have only fueled my desire to create clothes lately!)

The final reason I love the Fashionista's Lookbook is that it allows me to color the pages. I've been wanting to learn how to watercolor for months, and now is my chance to experiment with technique and color. Yes, my inner kid comes out with this book, but isn't that a good thing for creativity?

Are you a globally minded person but do not have any fashionistas in your life? Dana's website is also a great place to learn more about non-profit work for makers, creators and those who are craft-oriented. She helps you make your hobby a vehicle for helping those who are not as fortunate as you are with Goods Giving Back and Create to Donate.

Feel free to ask questions about the Lookbook Diary or give your thoughts in the comments! I plan to really mark it up this week with sketches and (attempts at) watercolor. Be sure to check out my Instagram to see them, good or bad.

Love to all,


* This post contains an affiliate link. I only recommend products I LOVE, and I hope you love them, too!

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